Hokubei Budogu - Kendo Shop in USA - How to measure bogu - men
Hokubei Budogu - Kendo Shop in USA - How to measure bogu - kote
Hokubei Budogu - Kendo Shop in USA - How to measure bogu - do and tare

Are you a first-time bogu buyer? Are you looking for your second or third set? No matter at what stage of “bogu buying” you are, we know that you are about to invest a good amount of money into a bogu, and it’s almost like a wedding – a long-term commitment.

Outside of Japan or Korea, we lack the infrastructure of a “showroom” where you can feel and try on a bogu, and you have to rely on reviews, word-of-mouth, and photos before you click to purchase a bogu. But a bogu consists of many factors to consider.

This is one of the reasons why we do not have a direct purchase option on our website.

We WANT TO talk to you first, to make sure you know what you want and need, within your budget.

Our company strongly believes that a bogu must serve its main purpose: to protect you. You want to get a set that is comfortable, light, and of course, looks great, but the protection and durability factor of a bogu set must never be forgotten. 

The price range of bogu sets is heaven and earth. Starting from as low as $4~500 to thousands. You want a set that is the best bang for the buck, within your budget.

We offer a free consulting session, to help you choose an ideal set, so please do not hesitate to speak to us to get a good set that will protect you for a long time and enhance your kendo experience. Happy keiko.